5 Signs You’re Not In Alignment With Your Writing Dream

A few months ago, I found myself standing on the edge of my writing career. Up to that point, things had gone OK, but I just didn’t have the success I was dreaming of.

I thought about quitting. I questioned whether I even had what it took to make my dream happen. After all, I’d been at it since 2008, wouldn’t I have made it work by now?

I took a cold, hard look at where I was at and at where I wanted to be. And what I saw shocked me.

I was totally out of alignment with my writing dream.

Sure, I was dreaming and telling myself that I’d get there eventually. But when I looked at my writing habits—they were a mess.

When I looked at my consistency—it didn’t measure up. And, most importantly, when I looked at who I was being and how I was thinking, I realized I needed a serious writing life makeover.

The successful self-published author I dreamed of being would not act or think in the ways I was. It was time for a change.

I overhauled my writing habits, made a commitment to doing the work every single day, and I stepped up to act and think like the author I wanted to be. Within two months of doing that, I became a multi-category best selling author on Amazon and I’ve started selling 1,000+ books a month.

This is no fluke—this happened because I finally got into alignment with the writing life I dreamed of having. I finally stepped up and accepted my mission to change the world with my words.

And it’s been getting better and better ever since.

Butt in Chair

If you don’t have the success you dream of having, it’s because you’re not in alignment. Alignment is everything.

To read the whole article, click here.

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