Destroy The Block

After conversing with many fellow aspiring authors over the years I’ve come across a common issue.

You would think that the issue was getting started.  Actually the real problem its getting passed that block that rears its’ ugly head a quarter into the process. Many authors have problems getting passed the first act.

I’ve successfully self-published two books and working on my third. Why am I saying this? Is it because I’m a show off?

At times, maybe I can be. Is it because I’m proud of the fact that I’ve accomplished what I’ve always wanted to since I was a child? Most definitely. But the main reason I’m writing this today is I’m here to aid in breaking down that wall that we writers refer to as “The Block”.

Destroy The Block

Understand, what you’re about to read works for me.  I hope that this can be of some assistance to someone out there.

Most of the time, at the beginning of the writing process, we know how we want the story to end, but we just don’t know how to get there. We start down the road and find ourselves at that block.

One of my preferred techniques for getting passed this dilemma is becoming more acquainted with my main characters, before I start writing the story. Yes, as the creators we may think we know who these people are, but half way through we lose our way and often don’t know why.

Read the whole article here.

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