Importance of eBook Cover Art

Unlike traditional books whose covers were mainly designed conventionally to attract casual readers, modern authors use bright, interesting images and racy cover designs to catch the attention of the modern reader and probably make them want to buy the book.

Some of the bestselling authors and publishing companies have realized the importance of appealing eBook cover art.

Most self-publishing writers lack the resources to hire cover-art designers for excellent cover pages.

As a result, some of their work may seem of mediocre quality with bad fonts and color schemes.

This problem is even greater for people who love doing everything themselves.

However, there are beautiful DIY cover art designs on Book Tango to help you generate a cover page using an online cover designer. Book Tango has a library of images and cover designs to choose from.

Importance of eBook Cover Art

Once you have chosen the image and cover design you want, the next step is to affix your book title and author name.

Book Tango also offers a variety of font styles and colors to make your book appear the way you want, and you can also purchase your own Custom Cover Design.

It is important for the author to always remember we are in the era of .99 cent book purchases where people look for excellence even in the smallest of details.

According to Kelly Gallagher from Bowker, some people, especially children, discover eBooks via analogue versions.

It is not uncommon, therefore, to hear someone say that they saw a hard copy version of a book in a bookstore before actually buying the digital version. The first impression is important and it always counts.

Other renowned authors such as Bella Andre of the New York Times support the fact that a cover is the most crucial feature of an eBook.

It makes the book visible and attracts the eye which is the first step leading to sales.

Thanks to technology, the cover art can be changed and improved as many times as needed until you attain the most perfect and appealing cover.

According to Bella, you can literally double your sales overnight by simply changing the cover art of your publication.

The cover is the first thing that readers will see when browsing for a book, and how it looks both as a thumbnail and in full size is crucial to the success of the publication.

To read the whole article, click here.

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