Outlines Are Wonderful

“Well hi there! So your probably reading this because you are a curious new author or an aspiring author. Your here because you want to widen your mind on tips for writing from other authors who have been down your path.”

My name is Juss Stinson and YES I am a proud author!

Many authors can offer advice to you and a lot of it may even be different than another author.

Don’t ever feel trapped since there really are many ways to go about writing! Here are just a few general tips.

Writing a book and need some tips?

Outlines are wonderful!

I scribble down characters I want to introduce, events I want to happen, and little details I don’t want to forget to incorporate in my work. I write all of it in order so I can just cross it out once I finally have it in my book! Keep your patience is the biggest advice I have for anyone.

Personally when I am in that horrible block I just open a blank page and type a bunch of nonsense, poems, or even short stories and all of these can detour my mind enough so I can get back on track.

Losing your temper can really slow your will to write down so make sure to stay calm and collective and just walk away for a little bit if you have to!

So you have written your book what’s next? You need to edit the heck out it! Read it over and correct all that you see is wrong or places where you lose your flow while reading.

Once you are happy I highly recommend beta readers.

These people of your choosing will read through your book correct awkward sentences, check spelling and grammar, and write notes of what they truly think. Choose those you believe will be brutally honest and who pay close attention to detail.

Once your finished and you feel your piece of work is exactly where you want to be you venture into publishing. You can find a publishing company who would love to have you and sign with them or you can always self publish.

Read the whole article here.

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