Editors and Their Importance

You are well on your way to completing the first draft of your manuscript. You may even have it completed. Now, you ask yourself, “Do I really need an editor? After all, I wrote it and I know what it’s supposed to say.”

Editors and Their Importance

Did you know it is nearly impossible to catch all of your own mistakes?

Yup. Just because your brain knew what you meant to say, doesn’t mean it’s actually what made it to the page. That means you need some outside editing help.

But what kind of help or editing do you need? And where do you look?

Did you know you may need multiple phases or different types of editing, depending on your manuscript? Do you know what different editors can do for your manuscript? Take a look…

Substantive or sometimes called Developmental Editing…Just as you might think this kind of editing mainly looks at the substance of your manuscript.

It can even be called content editing because although punctuation and grammar count at this stage, this editor’s primary role is looking at the big picture.

Often your editor will look at things like flow, readability, clarity of message from start to finish, consistency in voice, and does all the information included really belong there?

Like I said, you know what you meant to say and write. Your reader may not. In this round an editor will take an outsider’s point of view and will point out ideas that don’t make sense or that aren’t easy to understand.

Published authors know if they want their reader to get the most benefit from their book, they hire a substantive editor.

Read the whole article here.

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