Choose Your Genre Well or Not

A sage piece of advice for writers who seek commercial success is to choose and know your market before you start to write.

Decide who is going to read your work and know what their expectations are. Then write to the target market.

Write to fulfill those expectations.

This includes understanding the requirements of different categories or genres.

The expectations of romance readers about how a story should be told are different from those of readers of thrillers or fantasies.

The Lost King by Devorah Fox

I didn’t choose the fantasy genre of The Bewildering Adventures of King Bewilliam series; it chose me. Though The Lost King is about present-day issues like divorce and career displacement, the story wanted to be told in a once-upon-a-time fashion.

Thus the setting is an imagined land, the story takes place in the Middle Ages and it includes mythical creatures like dragons.

The series was inspired by a friend’s real life crisis, a complete personal and professional derailment. I wanted to see if I could make that come out happily ever after.

That turned out to be harder than I thought. Three books later I’m still at it.

Even the strongest among us doesn’t bounce right back from such stunning losses. While King Bewilliam, the series hero, scored some successes, he continues to struggle to reclaim his life which led to The King’s Ransom, the latest release, The King’s Redress, and my current work-in-progress, The Redoubt.

To tell his story I’ve learned more than I ever thought I would about ancient times and chimerical creatures and have made friends among other writers of fantasy and paranormal fiction. 

Read the whole article here.

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